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Bakuchiol: A Natural Retinol Alternative for Sensitive Skin

Bakuchiol: A Natural Retinol Alternative For Sensitive SkinRecently, Dr. Friedman was a featured contributor to an article in the Huffington Post touting the benefits of Bakuchiol, a plant-derived retinol alternative with fewer side effects than traditional retinoids.

What is Retinol?

Retinol is a form of retinoid, a derivative of Vitamin A that is an increasingly common ingredient in over-the-counter and prescription skin care products. Retinol can help accelerate the renewal of skin cells and enhance collagen production, providing such benefits as:

Retinol Side Effects

In light of its many benefits, you can see why retinol is such a sought-after ingredient in skin care products. However, retinol isn’t great for all patients, especially patients who have sensitive skin or conditions like eczema or rosacea. In these patients, retinol may cause irritation, cryness, peeling, redness, and sun sensitivity.

How is Bakuchiol Different?

According to the Huffington Post article, bakuchiol is “a natural alternative to retinoids that is derived from a seed. [It] has anti-aging benefits that mimic those of retinoids, but lacks the potentially irritating side effects.

As a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Friedman was sought as a contributor to the Huffington Post piece. Here, he says that bakuchiol can be used at any time of the day without causing sun sensitivity, while retinoids need to be introduced slowly with a gradual increase in use to help the skin adjust and reduce irritation. Unlike retinol, “[Bakuchiol] does not require dose escalation and is more effective at inhibiting matrix metalloprotease compared to retinol, which is the enzyme that attacks collagen in our skin.”

Contact Dr. Friedman at Dermatology & Laser Surgery Center of Houston

If you wish to enjoy the anti-aging and complexion improving benefits of retinol without burning, flaking, redness, or irritation, bakuchiol may be the solution for you. To learn more about this revolutionary ingredient and how you can benefit from it, contact Dr. Friedman at the Dermatology & Laser Surgery Center of Houston.