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Dr. Paul M. Friedman Featured in Town & Country Magazine’s Best Cosmetic Treatment Guide 2022

The Cover of the Town & Country magazineRecently Town & Country did a roundup of the best new non-invasive cosmetic treatments and EON Laser was included with Dermatology and Laser Surgery Center’s Dr. Friedman weighing in on its benefits. EON is a groundbreaking body contouring and fat elimination treatment that uses touchless technology to target and destroy fat cells.

A Better Fat Reduction Alternative

Touted as an alternative to the many ineffective non-invasive fat reduction treatments on the market as well as traditional liposuction, EON is a 45-minute treatment that blasts fat cells with laser energy and cold-jet cooling technology simultaneously, causing apoptosis. Once the body’s lymphatic system processes and eliminates the targeted fat cells over the following month patients typically see visible fat reduction of 20% – 40% or a one-to-two-inch reduction in circumferential fat loss.

Contact Dr. Friedman at Dermatology & Laser Surgery Center of Houston

Dr. Friedman is the president of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS), and is a board-certified dermatologist. He is regarded as an expert on laser procedures and is experienced in achieving exceptional results with non-invasive fat reduction procedures and non-invasive anti-aging treatments. Please contact us to learn more about EON or to schedule a consultation.