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Dr. Paul Friedman Discusses UltraClear and PicoWay Lasers in Modern Aesthetics

modern aesthetics featureAt Dermatology & Laser Surgery Center of Houston, we are committed to remaining at the forefront of dermatological innovation. In a notable feature within Modern Aesthetics, Dr. Paul M. Friedman recently delved into the evolving world of energy-based devices (EBDs) and their pivotal role in aesthetic dermatology. These advancements underscore a significant leap in addressing skin rejuvenation and pigmentation issues with precision, comfort, and reduced downtime.

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UltraClear A New Dimension in Laser Therapy

The UltraClear laser exemplifies the forefront of dermatological laser treatments. It’s a marvel in the realm of skin rejuvenation, leveraging fractional ablative technology to address an array of skin conditions with unprecedented precision and minimal downtime. Dr. Friedman’s insights highlight the laser’s adaptability in treating advanced photoaging, fine lines, wrinkles, and scar revision, among other concerns. The UltraClear laser’s ability to customize treatment depth and intensity allows for tailored patient care, optimizing both results and comfort.

PicoWay Laser: Revolutionizing Pigment and Tattoo Removal

In addition to the UltraClear laser, Dr. Friedman sheds light on the PicoWay laser’s unique capabilities in the same article. Renowned for its efficacy in treating epidermal and dermal pigmented lesions, the PicoWay laser is a cornerstone in Dr. Friedman’s practice for addressing skin of color and complex pigmentation issues. Its picosecond laser technology delivers ultra-short pulses, offering a breakthrough solution for patients seeking to diminish age spots, sunspots, or even remove tattoos with fewer treatments and less discomfort.

Forward-Thinking Dermatological Solutions

At the Dermatology & Laser Surgery Center of Houston, led by Dr. Friedman, we’re dedicated to incorporating these advanced laser treatments into our practice. Our goal is to offer personalized, cutting-edge care that meets our patients’ diverse needs.

Explore the Future of Skin Care

Interested in learning more about how UltraClear and PicoWay lasers can enhance your skin? Contact the Dermatology & Laser Surgery Center of Houston to schedule a consultation. Join us on the cutting edge of dermatological care, where innovative treatments and personalized attention converge to reveal your skin’s true potential.