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The New CoolMini™ Treatment for Double Chin Reduction is Now Available at Our Practice!

One of the most common frustrations people have about their appearance is the formation of excess fat under the chin. A “double chin” can even occur among individuals who are in otherwise excellent shape. Until this past summer, the only way for most people to effectively address a double chin was to have a surgical procedure such as liposuction; however, some innovative new non-surgical treatments are now available that are changing the game. A few months ago we told you about KYBELLA, an injectable procedure designed to destroy excess fat cells under the chin and create a renewed profile. Today, we are announcing the arrival of another advanced option that can serve the same purpose: the CoolMini. Dr. Paul M. Friedman and Dr. Elizabeth Geddes here at Dermatology & Laser Surgery Center are some of the first in Houston to offer this treatment – one that involves no needles, anesthesia, or surgery of any kind.

Recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the CoolMini is a new component of the CoolSculpting® treatment, a procedure designed to reduce excess fat in a variety of body areas without the need for surgical intervention. Working in the same way as CoolSculpting®, the CoolMini applicator utilizes the Cryolipolysis technique to cool excess fat cells in targeted areas, ultimately causing them to break down and leave the body through natural metabolic processes. What makes the CoolMini treatment unique is that it is designed to target smaller areas of the body that are affected by stubborn fat deposits. Its curved features make it ideal for the reduction of submental fullness (excess fat under the chin).

CoolMini treatment can be performed right here in the office and typically requires no recovery time. Most patients are able to resume normal daily activities immediately. After the treatment, the targeted fat cells should gradually exit the body over the next few months, leading to a noticeable reduction in the appearance of a double chin. The best results can be achieved in as little as one or two treatment sessions, and the effects of CoolMini treatment are long-lasting.

While options such as the CoolMini treatment and KYBELLA can be ideal for patients suffering from excess fat under the chin, it is important to remember that these procedures will not be effective for patients who are experiencing a double chin caused by loose, inelastic skin in the area. During your initial consultation, our dermatologists will evaluate your needs and help you determine if the CoolMini procedure is the right choice for your goals.

The experienced team here at Dermatology & Laser Surgery Center is very proud to be among the first in the Houston area to offer this exciting new treatment. If you have questions about our options for double chin reduction, or if you would like to schedule a consultation to talk more about this procedure, please contact us today.